She Believes in Most of Her Being That 2017 Will Be Magical…

In the conversation in her head she remarks, "I am fascinated by the new year phenomenon. Why do people place so much emphasis on the power of, and potential for, change at the outset of the new calendar  year?" Albeit, she is quickly distracted by a burning urge to ready her brand new journal to [...]

Raccoon – 1; Mike – 0.

Mike missed the spider episode and was thereby allowed to maintain some dignity, but that fell to the wayside when he had a close encounter of his own.  The only close encounters the females at the cottage have suffered with thus far are mosquito encounters.  These encounters, while an annoyance, are hardly worth discussing further [...]

The Misadventures of Oprah, Gayle, and Crew

It was established on my first trip to Canada with Noah that he is an “Oprah” and I am a “Gayle” -  as he assumes the role of diva and I assume the role of friendly, happy-go-lucky traveler.  He complains, gripes, sighs heavily, and rolls his eyes.  I smile, chat, laugh, engage, and enjoy other [...]