The land that time forgot…

Fargo took the Midwest title in the Weather Channel's "Toughest Weather City" tournament.  Fargo advanced to the Final Four after beating out International Falls by a mere forty votes. Well, at least this is a designation that we should all be able to live with (indeed, we do live with it). I never thought I [...]

Your grace period has arrived – make the most of it.

If you are out and about looking around you can tell that we are finally transitioning between seasons.  Winter, which is supposed to be over according to the calendar, is preparing to ease its way out and allow the next season to make its presence known - flood season.  The snow is starting to melt [...]

The risk is rising…

Well here it is today...the news I feared was that could potentially disrupt a tranquil of an increased risk of major spring flooding.  Well...yippee-ki-yay. The National Weather Service's latest flood outlook puts the risk of major spring flooding up to 79%.  You may recall the risk of major flooding was only at 6% [...]

Tied by the heartstrings…

As I sit amongst the busy chatter and robust laughter in the Alpengruss Restaurant in Wakefield, Quebec this morning, my thoughts are far away with the people of North Dakota who are being impacted by the flooding.  Minot's mandatory evacuation of roughly a quarter of its population is heartbreaking.  I know that there is likely [...]