What are you smoking?

Well, if you haven't heard, there has been quite a furor over a  teapot on a billboard in Culver City, California. The billboard featured a simple photo of the Michael Graves Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle sold by JC Penney. The complaints received so much attention that JC Penney removed the billboard. And [...]

Frolicking in the ocean…

I am not a swimmer.  As such, if I ever disappear after an alleged late night swim - demand an investigation.  A frightening childhood experience with a near-drowning in a swimming pool was enough to provide me with a healthy respect for the water.  I don't go to the beach to swim, and as a fair-skinned person [...]

A rose by any another name…

The whole clan packed up and visited the beach community of Santa Cruz today. It was rainy and gloomy day in Santa Cruz.  The temperature only reached the high 50s. In a local store, a young female employee dressed in jeans, a sweater and a scarf spotted me in my summery top, capris and light cardigan sweater and said [...]